Boys and Girls
Practice and Meet Schedule
Track and Field Regulations
You must have a sports physical on file with the nurse to participate. A sports physical is different than the school physical. Sports physicals from last school year are not good for this year. Any questions or concerns about the sports physical, please contact the school nurse.
Schoolwork is the FIRST priority for all athletes!
Remember to stretch before and after you run, jump, etc.
Athletes will report to practice after all buses have been dismissed.
Be prepared to work hard.
Athletes need to bring all pieces of the school uniform to all meets.
Athletes should listen to daily announcements to hear when buses will leave for away meets. Any student missing the bus will not participate in the meet even if a ride is given by a parent or guardian.
Athletes will bring appropriate equipment to practice daily (shorts, colored t-shirt, water bottle, athletic shoes, sweats, knee/ankle braces, etc.)
Athletes will be respectful to all adults (parents, teachers, officials, and coaches).
Athletes will follow directions on all bus trips.
All athletes must take the bus to and from all meets.
Athletes will keep hands and feet to themselves.
Athletes will have a ride home at the appropriate time after meets and practice.
Athletes with doctor prescribed medicine that can be self-administered need to remember to carry it with them at all times.
Athletes will only say positive things about their teammates and those on other teams.
Athletes will cheer on all other teammates after they have completed their event at practices and meets. They will also show good sportsmanship at all times.
Athletes with an "F" average in any subject, at the time progress reports are sent home in the middle of term 3, will not be allowed to participate for the remainder of the track and field season.
Athletes missing a practice for any non-school related reason will not be allowed to run in the next meet. Every athlete will be allowed to miss one practice for any reason.
Athletes will give 100% at all times.
All athletes will help take equipment in and out for practices and meets.
Schedules are subject to change.
Don't wear cleated shoes in the building or locker room at any time.
No horseplay, rough-housing, hazing, or initiations at any time.
Keep the locker room and field free of litter.
Place all belongings in assigned locker and lock your locker door when away from your locker.
Have fun!
We certify that we have read, understand, and agree to adhere to the rules, guidelines, and responsibilities required for participation on the Dag Hammarskjold Middle Track Team.
Athlete Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature